Commingled injection well modeling
Hi, I am trying to model a commingled injection well which is a well completed through multilayers (5 layers in my model). Every layer in my model is represented by a single grid block in the Z…
Incomplete simulation run
Hi, I have a problem with the attached simulation INFILE. The simulation terminates before the specified simulation time (only 0.778 s out of 10 years).…
Hi I am trying to model the temperature distribution in the wellbore during CO2 injection. In the TOUGH3 manual, I find that T2Well can evaluate pressure and temperature profile within the wellbore.…
Improve the stability of the numerical results
Dears, While modeling CO2 injection in a saline aquifer reservoir using ECO2n, I find the following instability in bottom hole injection pressure results.…
Changing inner grid boundary condition with time
Dears, I have been trying to model CO2 injection in a saline aquifer reservoir where the injection rate and injection temperature are constant during the injection period.…
Specify the composition of the injected fluid
I am trying to model the injection of water-saturated CO2 into a saline aquifer. My question is how to specify the composition of injected CO2 (OR water mass fraction in the injected CO2).
How to output all primary and secondary variables using the OUTPU data block in TOUGH3?
I am trying to output all primary and secondary variables (including enthalpy) using the data block "OUTPU", however, TOUGH3 ignores the keywords as illustrated in the following message in the…
How to interpret the data in CO2TAB file
I am trying to model temperature perturbation during CO2 injection in saline aquifer using TOUGH3/ECO2N. My INFILE is modified after the INFILE of "rcc3" sample case.…
Problem with running a sample case using TOUGH3/ECO2N
I have started to use TOUGH3 recently for my research. I am trying to model the temperature perturbation during CO2 injection into saline aquifers using TOUGH3/ECO2N.…
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