error compiling TOUGH3 on Ubuntu : Failed to build TOUGH TPLS

Hi All,
I tried to compile TOUGH3 on a new server with Ubuntu 20.04 but not successful. (Please refer to the error.png for error screenshot).
I have all dependencies installed and their versions look like below:
cmake 3.16.3
gcc 9.4.0
mpirun 4.0.3
I tried solutions below in the user forum with the same error (change the PETSC_VERSION_PATCH to 4, and add the BLAS version 3.5.0) but they did not work for me.
I attached the cmakerror file for your reference. Can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance,
49 replies
This is a petsc installation problem. This problem was also reported by another user. Why do not you try reliable (a little older) version, such as Ver 3.18.x
I will
This is the still the same error (data type dismatch) . Are you sure you have correctly fixed the cmake scripts by adding "-fallow-argument-mismatch" in
- esd-tough3/CMakeLists.txt (which is the code snippet you showed me), and
- esd-toughlib/src/CMakeLists.txt.
Here is the esd-toughlib/src/CMakeLists.txt with the "-fallow-argument-mismatch" in. Maybe the if and endif are well aligned?. what do you think?
Here are the ones. esd-tough3/CMakeLists.txt and esd-toughlib/src/CMakeLists.txt. Please discard the one I sent before
The attached one looks good. The problem appeared during zevsreale.f90 compilation, which is compiled with the CMakeLists.txt in esd-tough3/. Have you fixed it?
I think so. This is the one in esd-tough3/src
so I fixed both the one that is inside the src in both esd-tough3 and the one that is in esd-tough3
This is the error log
Seems you did not do it correctly for fixing the cmake script. The "-fallow-argument-mismatch" must apply to "GNU" compiler, not "Intel". I am attaching the correct one. Use this one to replace the one at esd-toughlib/src/CMakeLists.txt. You need delete 'Build' folder before every recompilation
tells me and it is just running with 1 processor, have you seen this message before?