Need help for EOS8 test

Dear all,

I am trying to set up a test model using EOS8. I have generated the input file INFILE, and the mesh file separately.  The mesh information (ELEME and CONNE0 are listed in this file. The model was halted in the begining with this output file. It seems that there is problem with reading the mesh?  I tried many times to find out the problem, can you anyone please help me where is the possible error in the input file? Thank you very much.


Best wishes


7 replies

    • Keurfon_Luu
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Using the INFILE and MESH files you provided, I have no problem running your simulation. Can you try running your simulation with just INFILE and MESH in your working directory?

      • Flybear
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Keurfon Luu  

      Dear Keurfon,


      Thanks for your reply. I am an extensive user of TOUGH2, TOUGHREACT, but new to TOUGH3. 

      I installed the cygwin, but failed to execute the tough using cygwin. Instead, I used the command window (CMD) to operate the tough3, and get the response of error message below.  I just run the model using the INFILE. Can you advise me how to correctly operate this test model, or is there any bugs in the script? Thank you very much for your kind help.

      • Flybear
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Keurfon Luu  The error parameter is ADDTIMES, but I did not find this setting in mannual.

      • Keurfon_Luu
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Removing block TIMES (that has 0 time entry) and its content in file INFILE should do the trick.

      According to the history of TOUGH3 repository, it seems that this bug has been corrected for quite a while now. You probably have an old version of TOUGH3.

      • Flybear
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Keurfon Luu Thanks for your comments. I really appreciate it.  Actually I just purchased the license.  Should I contact LBNL to update the source code? The date of tough3 eos 8 is  2018/1/11.  BTW I will remove the block times with 0 entry. 

      • Keurfon_Luu
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Flybear I guess you can contact Yingqi Zhang for that, it's beyond my pay grade.

    • yqzhang
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Yes, the bug related to the ADDTIMES is fixed. Please send me an email at yqzhang@lbl.gov and I will send you some updates.

    Thank you


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