Question about simulation of rainfall

Hi everyone, 

I'm working with Petrasim, T2VOC module and I have a question regarding simulation of rainfall. I know I should simulate it by source/sink and define injection rate and enthalpy but I am not sure which value could be appropriate for enthalpy. I think I can choose it as zero but I am not sure about it. I appreciate if you could help me with this issue. I'm working with isothermal condition.

1 reply

    • Mikey_Hannon
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    Unfortunately, most of do not work with PetraSim directly, so we can't help troubleshoot any issues specifically related to it. For that, I suggest you contact Alison Alcott at alison@rockware.com. That being said, your issue sounds a little more fundamental than the pre-processors.

    If you are running an isothermal simulation (i.e., with no temperature changes), then the enthalpy you input for your injection fluids does not matter.  This value is only important for non-isothermal simulations.  If you want to include something there (in the event that you want to include heat transfer equations later), you can look up the specific enthalpy of the fluid you plan to inject at the pressure and temperature you would like to inject it.  Again, this value will have no effect on your isothermal simulation results, but you can use it if/when you adapt it to model a non-isothermal process.

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