Do you need a pre- and post-processor for tough2? Try GMS.

Do you need or like to work with:

  • Complex geology?
  • Conceptual modelling?
  • Statistical analysis?
  • Original TOUGH2 formats?

Then one possibility is to use GMS as a pre-and post-processor.

First create your geologic model, conceptual model and grid model with GMS; second translate the model into TOUGH2 using TMT2; run the TOUGH2 model; translate back the TOUGH2 results into GMS; use GMS for visualisation and statistical analysis. TMT2 can be downloaded for free along with a step-by-step tutorial of the process. For additional information, contact Andrea Borgia at aborgia@lbl.gov

5 replies

    • geologist
    • Andrea_Borgia
    • 11 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Konstantinovskaya Elena <Elena.Konstantinovskaya@ete.inrs.ca>

    Asks the following:

    I am looking for the grid generator software that would be compatible with TOUGH2 et FLAC3D. You have used GMS software to create and translate grid model from GMS to TOUGH2. You also revised different softwares that could create grid models for complex 3D geological models compatible with TOUGH2. The presence of inclined faults is necessary.

    • geologist
    • Andrea_Borgia
    • 11 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Elena,

    To use GMS as a pre- and post-processor for tough2 you have to create a geologic model with GMS. Then you have to map this model on a rectangular Modflow grid (each layer of the grid, apart from the first layer, must be of constant thickness - different layers may have different thicknesses).

    This grid with its geological information can be translated to a tough2 grid using TMT2 (a code I wrote which is available for free from the tough2 site). At this point you run the tough2 simulation. You may read the tough2 output back into GMS for visualization and data analysis using the code TT2M (a code which I am still finishing to write). To use tough-flac you need to create a flac grid from the TOUGH2 grid, I have no code yet to make the flac grid from the Modflow grid. I know that Antonio Rinaldi (arinaldi@lbl.gov) has created a code to translate a rectangular tough2 grid to flac, but for this you should talk with him directly.

    To introduce a slant faults in GMS is relatively easy when you create your geologic model. Since the Modflow grid is strictly rectangular, you need to refine the grid where the fault is going to be so that you may have an adequate discretization of the fault.

    Hope this is useful...


    • Elena
    • 11 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Andrea,

    Thank you very much for detail explanation and links to the TMT2 code and associated files. It is very helpful. I am going to try it out using GMS and TOUGH2.


    • Liang_Tian
    • 11 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Andrea,

    I just start using your code, TMT2. It works! However I got confused whenever I think about converting the coordinates. Can you explain the relation between the IJK indices in GMS and the TOUGH2 x-y-z coordinate system that is used in TMT2?

    btw, I am using GMS v8.3.


    • Sara
    • 10 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Andrea,
    I made my MESH file with Wingridder software. I am working with TOUGH2/EOS7C. Can I use GMS for visualization and post processing?

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