1D advection-diffusion problem ( velocity input)

I am using PetraSim 2018
so I can use only TOUGH (not TOUGH2) and TOUGHRECAT

I try to solve 1D advection-diffusion problem where water velocity is require as an input  value 

Please suggest me how could I  input water velocity data unsing TOUGH or TOUGHTEACT

2 replies

    • kenny
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    TOUGH codes do not allow direct input of the velocitiy (except t2r3d). In order to duplicate the given flow problem with TOUGH model, you need to provide two  1st type boundaries at x=0, and x=100, and assumption of a constant pressure (head) for each boundary.  Based on the given velocity together with the pressure differentce, you can find the a permeavility using the Darcy's law. With the flow boundary conditions, and the permeability, you can setup the 1D model.  

    • Parlin_asma
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you Kenny for your detailes and time. Your instraction really helps me a lot, I have exactly follow the boundary conditions and it it working well.

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