ECO2M: Meaning of VLIQ at Saq=100%



I am using TOUGH2-ECO2M, and I have a question about the scalar output parameters “Vliq” and “Vgas”. I’m using PetraSim as the post-processor, and the PetraSim windows shows “Pa-s” as the unit of both parameters. I am guessing this is dynamic viscosity. However, when I have S_aq = 100% in a cell, why is the viscosity of water shown to be “1” Pa-s, instead of the typical range of 0.001 Pa-s in a typical saline formation pressure and temperature? Is this an artificial filler used in TOUGH-ECO2M, or does it mean that I made some mistakes in my model somewhere that I need to look deeper?

Please let me know if you have some suggestions on this.



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