Trouble finding local connections
Could someone please tell me
(1) what is the meaning of these messages ?
(2) 1540753 & 4707353 in the above image are names or #ID of elements or connections?
I am try to test a huge case (up to 6 millions elements) in TOUGH3.
Look like I may have some problem for my MESH generation.
I need to understand the meaning of these messages in order to debug my MESH generation.
1 reply
Hello Cheng-Kuo,
You have a huge problem so it is hard to say what exactly the problem is. How many characters are in your element names? Can you create a small problem (3-dimension each dimension with 3 elements) with the same number of characters for element names? Run it to see if you get the same message. If you do please send it to me I will take a look.