Parallel execution of simulation using TOUGH3 in windows


I am trying to run a simulation case using TOUGH3/ECO2 in windows and the simulation run lasts for a long time (more than 24 hr for numerical model 1650*10 grid blocks). I would like to know if it is possible to run the simulation in parallel using a multicore PC in order to save time.   

3 replies

    • Keurfon_Luu
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    To run TOUGH3 in parallel on Windows, you will need the source code and compile it yourself either on Cygwin or WSL (recommended, in my honest opinion). The precompiled version of TOUGH3 for Windows cannot be run in parallel since TOUGH3 parallel solvers require libraries that are not available on Windows.

    That being said, I don't think going parallel will magically improve your simulation time. Speed up does not scale linearly with the number of cores, using X cores won't divide your simulation time by X. Actually, it can even worsen the simulation time depending on the size of your problem due to parallelization overhead: the code will spend more time decomposing the problem and distributing the tasks than actually solving the linear equations. I have a problem with a similar number of elements (17000), and the optimal number of cores is 2 for my problem (please do not take this number for granted since it depends on your problem and hardware).

    Your computation time issue lies somewhere else. I am no expert in radial meshes nor CO2 injection, but 1650 grid points laterally seems to be quite a lot. I don't think you need a lateral resolution that high. Usually, we want high resolution near the well and then increase the mesh size logarithmically the farther we get from the well. There might be other underlying problems in your model.

      • Refaat_G_Hashish
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Keurfon Luu Just to know, What is the average simulation time for your model (with 17000 cells)?

      • Keurfon_Luu
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Refaat G Hashish It takes 4 minutes with 2 cores for a 1 year injection.

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