crashing after reaching equilibrium and starting VOC injection
Hi everyone, I am simulating a 3D sand pack test where it is half full of water with some small hydraulic head from one end to another and the oil leaks into the sand at some distance above this…
immature termination
Hi all, I'm trying to model an experiment where I had a cylinder filled with sand and some headspace on the top. The sand had some solvent in it. The whole cylinder was initially at about 100 degC…
injecting VOC mass through virtual cells
Hi everyone, I am trying to simulate a 1D diffusion scenario where the domain is a column comprised of 200 grid cells (domain is 1m*1m*20m with 200 cells in z-direction) and every grid cell has been…
methane leak and plume migration in subsurface from hydrocarbon wellbores
Hi There, I would like to know what module would be best to simulate methane leakage and plume migration in the subsurface from hydrocarbon wellbores? I did some digging and came across some…
non-convergence issue
Hi everyone, I'm running a 2d radial case in petrasim where I'm heating from the top, bottom and one side. I first tried to define an extra cell and connect all those boundary cells to it and then…
representing an oven using extra cell
Hi everyone, I’m trying to use TOUGH2 to history match a column test where some soil was put inside a glass column and sealed and then put the column itself inside an oven set at some elevated…
assigning the right enthalpy
Hi All, I'm running a thermal simulation using TMVOC where I'm also including a mass rate at the second layer beneath the atmospheric boundary layer. The mass rate represents annual precipitation.…
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