Heterogeneous field simulation
I was simulating water injection into oil reservoir with a heterogeneous permeability/porosity field using TOUGH3-EOS8. The heterogeneous permeability/porosity fields were realized by modifying the…
Mass balance of ECO2N
I was simulating constant CO2 injection into a 2D aquifer (salt not considered). For such 2-phase 2-component system, there should be 2 mass balance equations for CO2 and H2O, respectively,…
Simple model test with ECO2N
I was testing the ECO2N module compiled by myself (Linux version). I built a simple model with 2 grids. I set pressure difference of 2MPa and gas saturation difference of 0.…
Eorror Compling TOUGH3 with PETSC in WSL
I have installed fortran compliers (gcc, gfortran, g++ (version9.5)) and configured petsc according to kenny's instruction (https://tough.forumbee.com/t/g9h57pf/tough3-installation-issue).…
zero pore pressure boundary condition
Can TOUGH3 define pore pressure Dirichlet boundary condition as zero values? In order to validate the coupled THM code, I have to compare the numerical solution to analytical solution.…
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