++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Step-by-step instructions for compiling iTOUGH2 using DIGITAL/Compaq Visual Fortran S. Finsterle, April 6, 2001 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This file (read_me_CVF.txt) complements the iTOUGH2 read_me.txt file. It provides step-by-step instructions for compiling, linking, and running iTOUGH2 on a PC using the DIGITAL/Compaq Visual Fortran compiler. A: CREATING iTOUGH2 EXECUTABLES =============================== 1. Preparation -------------- Unpack compressed archive file (itough2.tar.gz or itough2.zip) or copy all provided files into a subdirectory C:\itough2 (see instructions in Section B for adjustments required if iTOUGH2 is installed in a different subdirectory). 2. Developer Studio ------------------- Double-click on file itough2.dsw and go to Step 6, or Start Compaq Visual Fortran's Developer Studio. 3. Create new Project --------------------- Select , Select , , itough2 C:\itough2 Check , Win32, 4. Add source files ------------------- Select , , Select the following source files (hold Ctrl-key): eos3.f (or other EOS module) it2input.f it2main.f it2stubs.f it2user.f it2xxxx.f mdepcvf.f meshm.f t2cg22.f t2f.f t2solv.f special mudules (as applicable) itough2 5. Compiler settings -------------------- Select , : All configurations , blank blank : General Maximum optimization Leave all other settings unchanged it2_3.exe (or corresponding EOS number) 6. Compile and Link ------------------- , If using an older version of the DIGITAL Visual Fortran compiler, an error message regarding the use of an unknown function SYSTEM might be issued. Edit file it2input.f, search for the string "DVF" and follow the instructions given in the file. 7. Miscellaneous ---------------- A new executable must be built for each EOS module. For some modules, certain subroutines must be renamed to avoid duplicate entries (see instructions in read.me file). To redimension iTOUGH2, adjust parameter statements in file maxsize.inc: , maxsize.inc Modify parameter statements, save file, and rebuild iTOUGH2. The configuration can be saved and reopened as a workspace. B: PREPARING SEARCH PATH AND SCRIPT FILES ========================================= To be able to run iTOUGH2 from any working directory, the search path provided throuhg the environment variable PATH must point to the installation directory (default: C:\iTOUGH2). Add the following line to file C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT: SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\iTOUGH2 where "C:\iTOUGH2 must be replaced by the name of the actual installation directory. Restart your computer to make the change effective. iTOUGH2 is most conveniently run through the script file itough2.bat (or tough2.bat for forward runs) rather than by calling the executable directly. The script files expect the name of the executable to be C:\iTOUGH2\iT2_#.exe, where "#" stands for the number of the EOS module. If the excutable is installed in a different directory, edit files itough2.bat and tough2.bat and replace all occurrences of C:\iTOUGH2 with the name of the actual installation directory. To run a test case, go to subdirectory C:\itough2\samples\sample2 and type: itough2 sam2p2i sam2 3 where "sam2p2i" is the iTOUGH2 input file, "sam2" is the TOUGH2 input file, and "3" is the number of the EOS module. For more information, see the report "iTOUGH2 Sample Problems." To run a forward problem, type: tough2 sam2 3 Do not run the tough2 script in the installation directory! Place all input and output files in separate working directories anywhere on your computer. In case file invdir is lost, simply create an empty file with that name and place it in the iTOUGH2 intsallation directory.